Wino might be paying the dentist a visit soon as The Daily Mall is reporting that her drug addiction and unhealthy lifestyle are causing her teeth to fall out! Her heroin habit has caused her to lose some teeth and develop gum disease.
Sources singer said she was “falling apart mentally and physically” and has developed a nervous disposition which causes her to constantly pull at her teeth.
And they said she is “in pieces” over the remand of her husband Blake Fielder-Civil in Pentonville Prison on charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
“Amy is very upset about her teeth because they have literally been falling out,” a source said last night.
“She has one missing from the front of her mouth, and another one at the back which is less visible.
“Her mouth is full of holes and she is desperately worried she is going to lose more. She has actually pulled a tooth out herself, which is absolutely disgusting.”
“She picks at them all the time,” the source said.
“Her gums are always red and sore as a result of it and some of the teeth are loosening.”
Amy’s well on her way to becoming a full-fledged hobo.
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