Besides, while she busy promoting her “Rinnavation” last year, she did not forget to chatter about her lips injections which she claimed that it has gone askew. She had the silicon injected into her upper lip in 1980 and it developed scar tissue, bulking it up and causes the lip to appear uneven. Due to the upsetting result of lips, she went for a corrective procedure in August.
After the surgery, she claimed that, “My lips started to define who I am, Rinna, 47,” “that bothered me… I took a big hit for being honest. It gave everyone online permission to lambaste me. It hurts my feeling.”She continues, “the surgery was a success. Now instead of feeling bumpy and uneven … my lip has no lumps! It’s smooth.”It takes six months for her lips to heal completely.
It's funny that you mentioned this, because I was going to state this in my initial post, that there are people who get Lip reduction procedures, because they want smaller lips, but my problem is just the opposite.